Welcome to XFACT (Explainable Factual Reasoning Lab)

Research Mission:

  • Develop innovative techniques for extracting, modeling, and explaining the factual knowledge captured by large-scale language models.
  • Investigate the potential biases, errors, and limitations of large-scale language models, and develop strategies for ensuring the accuracy and reliability of their factual reasoning.
  • Apply our research to real-world problems and domains, such as healthcare, law, and finance, in order to improve decision-making and increase the transparency and accountability of complex systems.

Lab News

[June '24] 1 paper accepted to ACL 2024
[May '24] 1 paper accepted to the 6th Clinical Natural Language Processing Workshop at NAACL 2024
[Mar '24] 1 paper accepted to LREC-COLING 2024


We are located in the KAIST AI Graduate School on the Seoul Campus on the 4th floor. Come say hi!

Address: Kim Jaechul AI Graduate School, Building 9, Hoegi-ro 85, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul, South Korea